Kutlukent 80. Yıl İlkokulu

7 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi


King Tombs
There are stone tombs of kings in various parts of Amasya, which are Pontus kings' tombs according to historian Strabon from Amasya. The tomb called "Kızlar Sarayı(Girls' Palace)" by Strabon is five stone tomb in monumental nature. The king tombs were made in the locations viewing the city, and they have reached present time. 

Some stone tombs of Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire ending Pontus ruling are evaluated as chapels. The stone tombs used for various purposes during Ottoman and Selçuklu Period are offered to visits of people. 

King Tombs on Kızlar palace location and the ones on visit road to Aynalı Inn f km away from the city are different from other king tombs both in size and shape. They are in inverse U shape in comparison to the stone block where they are located. The others do not have this characteristic. Therefore it can be said that those monumental tombs were Pontus originated, and others were made in small sizes and more simply and were belong to some wealthy people of the Period(religious people).

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